2014 m. lapkričio 22 d., šeštadienis



So, winter is coming *GoT fans laugh from this*. And suddenly, I don't want to do outdoor activities anymore.. It's too cold. And during the weekend I'm just laying down on my bed, covered with homework papers and food. However, I still have time to do some art! YeY! "But me do not have insipration for a while". So, recently I started to draw some mandalas.

I like, never, ever, never did mandalas in my life before. Don't get me wrong, I like them and think that they look cool. I just thought, that I won't be able to do a nice looking mandala. Like, I will suck at it. However, one day I was just like, meah, lets try it. And the first tries were rough, but in the end, it looked pretty nice. I think I will try to do some more mandalas, maybe they will grow in to something. Hope you enjoy the photos ^.^ :

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