As for many girls, it is imtortant to have a fiting face foudation and powder. For me it is important too. I don't use a lot of make up, but good face foudation is really important to me, because I use it often. Right now, for a quite a long time I use essence "all about matt!" foundation and essence "mattifying compact powder".
I have a bit of an oily face, so to find a good foudation for me is dificult. My goal was to find an oil-free foudation. I wanted that it wouldn‘t be only oil-free, but also make my face a little bit drier than oily. When I found this foudation I thought :"Why not". Essence products always were good for me, but not perfect. However, I could say that this foudation is really working for my wishes. It smells really nice, is a good base for make up, and it fits to the face tone perfectlly. I would give it a 8/10.
From the top of the powder you already can say I'm using it for a long time. It is really nice, fits the skin tone great, dosen't crumble. However, I don't like the smell, it's weird and unpleasant. But I would say it is a good product for the ones who like simple powder. I would give 9/10