So, pretty much I hate winter... Haters gonna hate... But mostly I hate not the snow.. or cold, but the amount of it.. In my country we get a lot of snow... And often about minus 20 degrees cold... And it isn't very entertaining when you have to go home in darkness... But still, I think winter is a magical time, because there are much of beautiful views, and after a storm they are charming, take a look:
2013 m. gruodžio 10 d., antradienis
Winter here!
So, pretty much I hate winter... Haters gonna hate... But mostly I hate not the snow.. or cold, but the amount of it.. In my country we get a lot of snow... And often about minus 20 degrees cold... And it isn't very entertaining when you have to go home in darkness... But still, I think winter is a magical time, because there are much of beautiful views, and after a storm they are charming, take a look:
So, pretty much I hate winter... Haters gonna hate... But mostly I hate not the snow.. or cold, but the amount of it.. In my country we get a lot of snow... And often about minus 20 degrees cold... And it isn't very entertaining when you have to go home in darkness... But still, I think winter is a magical time, because there are much of beautiful views, and after a storm they are charming, take a look:
2013 m. lapkričio 27 d., trečiadienis
Cat lady
Today I'm going to talk in a language of Miau. Nah. I'm just kidding, what i am going to talk about is Cats. Long long ago, once I said that I will tell about the creatures that I think look alike. Well, cats it is.
First of all, I love cats. Not only pet cats, but wild big cats too, like lions, jaguars, and tigers and so on. They are incredible creatures: Smart, fast, has a killer instinct, independable. That’s why I am surprised by them.
As for myself, I have a lot of pet cats. One lives in my room, a special spoiled cat. His name is Meskis (Bear), because of his health. Most of the time he irritates me or sleep, but he can be nice too, especially when Bear is trying to sleep on your head.
But there is a few cats to go. I will show you my lovely cats :D
Today I'm going to talk in a language of Miau. Nah. I'm just kidding, what i am going to talk about is Cats. Long long ago, once I said that I will tell about the creatures that I think look alike. Well, cats it is.
First of all, I love cats. Not only pet cats, but wild big cats too, like lions, jaguars, and tigers and so on. They are incredible creatures: Smart, fast, has a killer instinct, independable. That’s why I am surprised by them.
As for myself, I have a lot of pet cats. One lives in my room, a special spoiled cat. His name is Meskis (Bear), because of his health. Most of the time he irritates me or sleep, but he can be nice too, especially when Bear is trying to sleep on your head.
But there is a few cats to go. I will show you my lovely cats :D
2013 m. lapkričio 16 d., šeštadienis
boyfriend was visiting me this weekend.. He loves to cook, especially
cakes and other yummy stuff. So this weekend we made some chocolate
cupcakes! They were really yummy!!
2013 m. lapkričio 10 d., sekmadienis
Dear autumn....
...I wish you wouldn't make me so cold anymore. Cha, in your face, autumn, I finally had enough time to gain my sweaters army against you!!! NOW I AM IVINCIBLE!!!!!! MUCHACHACHA!!!
OW.... soorry guys...sometimes i just..... go nuts.... In order to apologise I will show my sweaters army !! ^.^
Scarf : took that from my sister...
Sweater : second-hand store
(my face look strange)
Necklace: my hand made
Sweater: clothes market
Necklece: "Claire's" store
Sweater: second-hand store
Sweater : my hand made.
2013 m. spalio 27 d., sekmadienis
Today I'm going to share some great ideas with pandas. I would love to get any of them on my birthday or as a Chrismas gift! ;)
Today I'm going to share some great ideas with pandas. I would love to get any of them on my birthday or as a Chrismas gift! ;)
2013 m. spalio 14 d., pirmadienis
We all know that magic word - GIFTS! I love gifts, seriously (please someone gimme me a cute gift, then i will love you for ever)! Not so long ago i got a very very nice gift. Comfyness is my priority, so for a long time my little heart wanted a beautiful pillow. So... I was able to get it in a form of a Gift! The picture is awesome and it's soft - that is amazing... There it is :D
But don't think that I am a selfish person, I love to give gifts to my freinds too! And it's actually, the irony is that, i recently gave two presents which were pillows.... Thaaat is funny...
There they are:
We all know that magic word - GIFTS! I love gifts, seriously (please someone gimme me a cute gift, then i will love you for ever)! Not so long ago i got a very very nice gift. Comfyness is my priority, so for a long time my little heart wanted a beautiful pillow. So... I was able to get it in a form of a Gift! The picture is awesome and it's soft - that is amazing... There it is :D
There they are:
This was for my friend, a birthday present :D
And this one was for my mother :) (she likes daisies very much)
2013 m. rugsėjo 29 d., sekmadienis
A little bit of creativity
Heellooo PandaPeople!
Didn't wrote in a long time... Had a lot of work, but not only school.I had some time to think, to do some funny, nice things. Today I'm going to show you a little bit of creativity.It isn‘t much, beacause I am a little tired of everything, but it doesn't matter. Take a look at this (P.S. YOU, MY FRIENDS WILL SEE HOW I LOOK ;) )
Didn't wrote in a long time... Had a lot of work, but not only school.I had some time to think, to do some funny, nice things. Today I'm going to show you a little bit of creativity.It isn‘t much, beacause I am a little tired of everything, but it doesn't matter. Take a look at this (P.S. YOU, MY FRIENDS WILL SEE HOW I LOOK ;) )
That‘s my made dress <3 (and me)
I made this sweater (my friend loved it so much that she "stole" it )
My made sneakers. (soorry for a bad photo, it is made by my cellphone.. my phone is a looser)
That‘s.... creepy... I was a mime in class photo.. embarrasing...
The last but not least. Photoshop.... my "expert" level photoshop..
2013 m. rugsėjo 23 d., pirmadienis
My appology
Hey guys,
I would like to say a BIG sorry for not posting such a long time.
I am preyty much bussy for few weeks. You know. Back to school...studies...reading books..... please kill me..... all kind of projects and so on.
But soon you will get few new tasty posts! Thank you guys! <3
2013 m. rugsėjo 7 d., šeštadienis
Liebster award
I'm feling so happy!!! You ask why? Well, I was nominadet for the LIEBSTER award!!! I feel very honored because I am brand new on this magical blog world! This panda is very exited to anwser!
1.What inspires you?
Well, I would say that the biggest inspiration for me is nature. I love everythig in the nature, it makes me feel warm inside, calm and pleased. While in the nature, I feel free, so it is why nature is the best inspiration for me. I think my inspiration consist fo mythology, especially greek, aztecks civilitaion and my own country too.
2. Do you have any funny or odd fears?
It is very a difficult question. I fear many things : darkness, bugs, hights, but i have never looked deeper into myself for strange fears. So I think that I don't have any funny or odd fears ( that‘s actually very sad and boring...)
3.Favorite blog and why?
As I said, I am new on blogs, so I haven't found a lot of blogs yet. Well, I like "Muilo burbulai" because I find intresting themes there.
4.Must have in your beauty bag.
Hmmm... Eye liner. Definetely an eye liner.... And a red lipstick... A lot of lipsticks. That would be enough for me.
5.If you could travel where you really want, where it would be?
GREECE! I love the ancient history of greece, oh the buildings, the myths! It's a dream for me!
6.How much time do you spend in front of mirror?
Well, it depends. If it's in the morning, about 10 min., because I don't have a lot of time. But if I have, it would be about 30min.
7. Favorite childhood memory.
Playing with my brother. He is 8 years older than me, so when I was litlle and he was a teenager he always played with me (but not with barbies, I didn't liked barbies).
8.If you could be a superhero, what would you choose to be?
That's is the best question that I ever had! And the most hardest! I just can't choose.... Well, it would be Catwoman or someone from x-men.
9.Why did you start to write blog?
9.Why did you start to write blog?
Well. my girl friend was writing a blog, so I was intimidated and decided to try it myself.I liked it so much that I‘ve decided to write it regulary. I'm still trying to catch up.
10.Who is your role model?
With no doubt Angelina Jolie. I love her, she is so beautiful, smart and generous. And the roles that she plays...
11.Favorite movie.
That‘s going to sound sad because I don't have my favourite movie.....
And that‘s 100% true! I am a fan of movies, crazy crazy! I never miss any movie no mater if I have seen it or not.
That‘s going to sound sad because I don't have my favourite movie.....
And that‘s 100% true! I am a fan of movies, crazy crazy! I never miss any movie no mater if I have seen it or not.
I nominated:
1. Mihaela from
2.Sandra from
3. Katy from
My questions:
1.What is your favorite fashion epoch and why?
2. Why did you started to blog?
3.What animal in your opinion represents you and why?
4. Favourite accesorie?
5. What‘s your favourite fashion icon?
6. If you had to choose between a big city and an island, what you would chouse?
7.Things that you must have in your closet
8. Dream profession?
9. Favourite blog.
10. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
2013 m. rugsėjo 4 d., trečiadienis
Short review
I'm like every young girl, I like make up and I like to look nice, but I think that it doesn‘t always work for me (and to be honest, sometimes something just doesn‘t work for you too). Sometimes I dont have enough time or sometimes the things that I bought are not working the right way as I want. But today I‘m not going to complain, my goal is to tell you about two awsome things.
First of all, this is an amazing Body butter by "Posibility". It isn't mine for real, it is my mom‘s, but sometimes I take it from her. Acualy I am a big fan of body butters, I think it's better than lotions, because it gets into the skin more quickly and are richer with oils. This one is realy richwith oils, so it is enough to use just a litlle scoop of it. There are three butter fragnances : "Vanilla Creme Brulee" (I have this one), "Raspberry Pavlova" and "Lemon cheesecake". Personally, I really want the lemon cheesecake smell, because I am in love with lemon smell :)
The second thing that I got is from Ireland. It is a really nice lipstick by "Claire's". For a long time I was trying to find a perfect red lipstick (I think a lot girls tried that). I always wanted that the lipstick won't be too oily and to pale, I wanted that it wold stay longer then my old one (it always cleaned off after a few seconds). The reason that i bought it was that it was cheap, but after using it I wasn't disappointed ( it even lasted a whole night in a club, and i had only to put it on two times, it is actully not so much) So, I am really happy about it ;)
PandaGirl out ;)
I'm like every young girl, I like make up and I like to look nice, but I think that it doesn‘t always work for me (and to be honest, sometimes something just doesn‘t work for you too). Sometimes I dont have enough time or sometimes the things that I bought are not working the right way as I want. But today I‘m not going to complain, my goal is to tell you about two awsome things.
First of all, this is an amazing Body butter by "Posibility". It isn't mine for real, it is my mom‘s, but sometimes I take it from her. Acualy I am a big fan of body butters, I think it's better than lotions, because it gets into the skin more quickly and are richer with oils. This one is realy richwith oils, so it is enough to use just a litlle scoop of it. There are three butter fragnances : "Vanilla Creme Brulee" (I have this one), "Raspberry Pavlova" and "Lemon cheesecake". Personally, I really want the lemon cheesecake smell, because I am in love with lemon smell :)
The second thing that I got is from Ireland. It is a really nice lipstick by "Claire's". For a long time I was trying to find a perfect red lipstick (I think a lot girls tried that). I always wanted that the lipstick won't be too oily and to pale, I wanted that it wold stay longer then my old one (it always cleaned off after a few seconds). The reason that i bought it was that it was cheap, but after using it I wasn't disappointed ( it even lasted a whole night in a club, and i had only to put it on two times, it is actully not so much) So, I am really happy about it ;)
PandaGirl out ;)
2013 m. rugpjūčio 26 d., pirmadienis
Cyanide&Happiness fever !
I love... I swear I love Cyanide&Happiness
comics. They are just amazing and funny. Yea, I know that they can be a
little offending or rude or black humor, but the point is That it is all
about that! They make my day every time I see them on some kind of
strange internet page (yea.. I'm talking about Fb, twitter, tumblr and
so on) So, I want to share some of the comics with you, I hope they will
make your day as they make mine.
PandaGirl out ^.^

This is my favourite!
2013 m. rugpjūčio 24 d., šeštadienis
Heellloooo !
Summer is always a troubled time for me because of my face skin. I have really oily skin, so in summer time I often become a pimple monster. I think it isn't very attractive, so this summer I bought three awesome products for my face skin.
The first product that I'm going to talk abaut is a Facial Scrub with cucumber. The scrub is made by "Margarita". To tell the truth, my skin doesn't like production by "Margarita", my skin becomes more oily and in a while I get really ugly pimples. But this one is perfect for my skin. The mass of scrub is thick, but not too much, I think that in this way we can see that there aren't a lot of chemicals in the scrub. The pellets are small, so the srubing is soft, lovley for the facial skin. It wasn't really expensive, at first I had doubts, but I am really happy that I bought it.
The second product is a tea tree oil anti-spot pad made by "Alkmene". This one is perfect for my pimples! (yea, that sounded awkward) For me it's very effective, it takes just a few days (using it two times per day) and pimples are gone! It isn‘t expensive too.
The third product is a face cream by "Simple". I am in LOVE with this cream. Honestly I don't like to use creams, but this one is so nice. It smells nice, it isn't too greasy so my skin doesn't besome oily and is always soft and smooth. I realy recommend this cream, for me it is the best!
I hope you had a pleasant time reading this review :)
Bye ^^
2013 m. rugpjūčio 15 d., ketvirtadienis
...Part 2.. again late...
Finaly got home!!! I missed everything in here. (Had the worst flight ever in the human history cuz I had a flu ....) But I'm still sick, everywhere in my room there's tissues laying around, but still, I‘m writing :) so this one part is going to be a long one, so enjoy :)
So the place is called Ashbourne. I was working not exactly in the city, a few minutes away from there is a big, big, I will say farm, because I don't know how to call it. But there weren't a lot of animals.. just A huge number of Horsies!It was my dream to be around horsies! There was so much of them : big horses, ponies even baby horses!
My job was to make food for camp kids (they were mostly from italy and spain) and tidy up the house where they lived. It was kinda fun, there were some nice kids(like one boy, he was so sweet to me, said that my food is very nice) and a not really nice ( I beter don't say anything....)
Not all days was just a work, I had a lot of fun with my sister. One day we went to a fun place called "Tayto park". It is a fun place for kids and grownups. The tayto is a popular chips corporation, so they created a park with many phyical activities ( like climbing, jumping and so on) and not small zoo park. I mostly was excited to see the animals, especially tigers!
I loved a trip to the mountains. Well, I never saw them before, so it was a magical thing for me. They were so enormous and wide! Wile driving to them we (me and my sister) saw a big lake down the mountain ( we were on the mountain) and I decided to run down from the mountain to the lake. My sister said no, because she was too lazy.(but still I love her <3 ) I runned about 15 min. The lake was so gorgeous, I felt so calm being around it.
The next trip was to the paintball!! I dreamed to go to paintball. It was really fun, but I was to carefull at first, but at the last game I went for it :D
I woud say that this journey was one of the best that I have ever had. I became a more relaxed person, saw a lot of things I haven‘t seen, first time ever I had a job. So, it was a fun chapter in my life book, we will see what the world will bring next.
PandaGirl out ^^
2013 m. rugpjūčio 10 d., šeštadienis
Noone knows that for a long time I have had black hair. After a few years when my hair started to weaken and fade I decided to change the style of them. First time ever now I am red-blond!!!! YEAY!!!!
(if you like the style, comment ^^)
PandaGirl out ;D
2013 m. rugpjūčio 8 d., ketvirtadienis
Short one
Sorry guys, I'm still working, but soon I will... be... HOOOOOMEEEE!!! Sweet sweet home. And for a long time I didn't wrote because I was hard working, but don't worry, I won't abandon you. Until my journey to home, this little PandaGirl will write short posts (some of them will be reviews... are you excited as I am?)
Thanks that you are so so patient with me :))))
PandaGirl out ^^
2013 m. liepos 22 d., pirmadienis
Finally.. first part.
Gosh... I am so F****** busy... OK, do not swear Panda, that's not nice.... So I AGAIN did't wrote in a long time... I'm so sorry! But enough of apologizes, back to the main point.
So as I said in a last post I will share my life in Ireland. Today I'm going to talk from beginnings(the day I had a flight). To the air port I had to travel a day before a flight and about 200 km. That's a long long way, believe me. My flight was peaty early, about 6 am. I had to wake up at frigging 4 am! That was hard, so so so so so hard...
Actually it was my first time ever flying ( and traveling so far away from home).
At first, when I wasn't even at a plain, I was so scared, but when got on the plain all fear just fly away. It is like very noisy ride with the bus.
After few hours of flight I landed in a Ireland where my sister meet me and we went to place called....
to be continued...
PandaGirl out ^^
2013 m. liepos 7 d., sekmadienis
Woopsie.. Late..
Sorry guys that I haven‘t written for a little time... I have been working... And not some silly stuff, but a real work. And even not in my country! Yes yes, I had to flight to an Ireland!! And it was my first time to travel so far away from home.
I am here for about 2 weeks now. It is an interesting work, because I have to make food for kids. It is kinda fun, but a little bit stressful. Everything has to be on time and I don't really want to be a slacker.
Surely in here I see not only work. I had much fun, just didn't had time to post about them, but don't worry I have an IDEA!!!! Now I will post kind of an internet diary just for you! Yep, that's right.. So soon there will be a fist part of it, where I‘m going to talk about first days in Ireland.
I am here for about 2 weeks now. It is an interesting work, because I have to make food for kids. It is kinda fun, but a little bit stressful. Everything has to be on time and I don't really want to be a slacker.
Surely in here I see not only work. I had much fun, just didn't had time to post about them, but don't worry I have an IDEA!!!! Now I will post kind of an internet diary just for you! Yep, that's right.. So soon there will be a fist part of it, where I‘m going to talk about first days in Ireland.
PandaGirl out! ;)
2013 m. birželio 24 d., pirmadienis
A little bit about myself
Postas per jonines.... atrodau dabar kaip namisėda.. Šaunuolė Jurga, šaunuolė.
Taigi šiandienos vakarą norėčiau atskleisti keletą kortų apie save. Kaip ir minėjau pirmajame poste aš užsiiminėju kūryba. Iš tiesų man labai patinka kurti papuošalus. Stengiuosi tobulėti, judėti į priekį, kurti kažką naujesnio, ne tokio kasdieniško ir įprasto. Taip pat po kai kurio laiko pradėsiu dekoruoti marškinėlius, kurti drabužius. Tai mano pomėgis... Aistra. Todėl nusprendžiau parodyti keletą savo darbeliu.
(Žmogėliukai, kurie užklysite į šį blogą, aš prašau jūsų, kad paliktumėte bent šioki toki atsiliepimą apie mano darbelius, busiu labai dėkinga :) )
A post during the Midsummer Day... now I look like a homebody.. Really great, Jurga, really great..
So, this evening I‘d like to draw some cards about me. How did I mentioned, I spend my time creating art. And I really like to create hand made accessories. I am trying to improve, to move forward, to create something new, not something casual and usual. More on, after some time I will start to decorate shirts, create clothing. It‘s my hobby.. passion. So, I‘ve decided to show some of my hand made works.
(People who visit this blog, please, leave some comments about my crafts, I‘ll appreciate that :) )
PandaGirl out ^^
(nr1. Plunksneles išdažiau pati )
(nr2. truputėli pankiška :D)
(nr3. Vaisiu asorti )
(nr4. Šitas mano mano! )
(nr5. Kai kas įdomesnio)
(nr6. auskariukai... per švelniai pasakyta )
Postas per jonines.... atrodau dabar kaip namisėda.. Šaunuolė Jurga, šaunuolė.
Taigi šiandienos vakarą norėčiau atskleisti keletą kortų apie save. Kaip ir minėjau pirmajame poste aš užsiiminėju kūryba. Iš tiesų man labai patinka kurti papuošalus. Stengiuosi tobulėti, judėti į priekį, kurti kažką naujesnio, ne tokio kasdieniško ir įprasto. Taip pat po kai kurio laiko pradėsiu dekoruoti marškinėlius, kurti drabužius. Tai mano pomėgis... Aistra. Todėl nusprendžiau parodyti keletą savo darbeliu.
(Žmogėliukai, kurie užklysite į šį blogą, aš prašau jūsų, kad paliktumėte bent šioki toki atsiliepimą apie mano darbelius, busiu labai dėkinga :) )
A post during the Midsummer Day... now I look like a homebody.. Really great, Jurga, really great..
So, this evening I‘d like to draw some cards about me. How did I mentioned, I spend my time creating art. And I really like to create hand made accessories. I am trying to improve, to move forward, to create something new, not something casual and usual. More on, after some time I will start to decorate shirts, create clothing. It‘s my hobby.. passion. So, I‘ve decided to show some of my hand made works.
(People who visit this blog, please, leave some comments about my crafts, I‘ll appreciate that :) )
PandaGirl out ^^
(nr1. Plunksneles išdažiau pati )
(nr2. truputėli pankiška :D)
(nr3. Vaisiu asorti )
(nr4. Šitas mano mano! )
(nr5. Kai kas įdomesnio)
(nr6. auskariukai... per švelniai pasakyta )
Pranešimai (Atom)